
Governing Artificial Intelligence: Designing Legal and Regulatory Responses

This event has ended.
Wednesday 23 May 2023

The Technologies, Law and Society Group in the School of Law, Trinity College Dublin is collaborating with the MSCA PROTECT PhD Training network and the Law, Science, Technology and Society Research Group of the Faculty of Law and Criminology, Vrije Universiteit Brussel in organising this one-day symposium in Brussels on addressing the global challenge presented by the growing impact of artificial intelligence (‘AI’) on business, society, and the world of work.

Symposium Objectives

The symposium aims at examining the legal and regulatory challenges posed in the fourth industrial revolution by the advent of AI. Contributors to the symposium will seek to engage creatively with the benefits offered by AI, dangers posed and potential legal and regulatory approaches. AI brings unparalleled opportunities but significant ethical, legal, and regulatory challenges, raising issues that frequently transcend national boundaries. Algorithmic engagement with big data, machine learning, autonomous vehicles, and robo-advisors (to name but a few) are challenging incumbent practices and firms. This evolution gives rise to new issues which hold significance, not just for private parties, but for governments, legislators, regulators, policymakers, and courts and, more broadly, for how fields of law respond to AI’s emergence. Can law and regulation be optimised to address the challenges posed without unduly stifling innovation?

Paper Topics

Papers for this symposium on Governing Artificial Intelligence: Designing Legal and Regulatory Responses are invited on a broad range of topics relating to AI and its regulation including examination of the potential impact of AI on any field of law. International and comparative perspectives are welcomed. Sample topics broadly include, but are not limited to:

  • Liability issues surrounding AI deployment;
  • Ethical issues surrounding AI;
  • Algorithmic bias;
  • Regulatory modalities for AI including regulatory sandboxes;
  • AI in the context of financial services law;
  • AI and corporate governance;
  • Competition law issues concerning AI and algorithms;
  • Big data, data privacy, data security, cyber-resilience;
  • AI and intellectual property;
  • RegTech and SupTech.
  • Technical tools and frameworks for engaging with AI developers and stakeholders
  • Data solutions, computing and technical aspects.