To celebrate the 25th anniversary of the series “I diritti economici”, the volume of studies PASSALACQUA M. (ed.), Diritti e mercati nella transizione ecologica e digitale, Cedam, 2021, will be presented. The book is dedicated to its founder, Prof. Mauro Giusti, who will greet the participants.
The Conference is part of the activities of the University Research Project “Public services and digital platforms. Legal Categories, Processes, Guarantees” (PRA 2020) and is included in the Curriculum “Administration, Market and Criminal Justice” of the Ph.D. program in Legal Sciences, Department of Law – University of Pisa.
Due to the limited number of places available it is recommended to book the presence by writing to the organizing secretariat:
Dr. Tamara Favaro, email:
The event is also available on the Microsoft Teams platform via the web using the Chrome browser at: