
Industry Partners

Privacy & Access Council of Canada (PACC)

The Privacy & Access Council of Canada (PACC) is the foremost authority on privacy and access competence, committed to advancing the profession of access-to-information, information privacy, and data protection across private, non-profit, and public sectors. PACC actively promotes awareness about access, privacy, and data protection, advocating that increased understanding of rights, responsibilities, and regulations is essential for enhancing privacy, organizational accountability, and compliance.

Wikimedia Foundation

The Wikimedia Foundation is the nonprofit organization that hosts Wikipedia and other Wikimedia projects. The Foundation’s vision is a world in which every single human being can freely participate in the sum of all knowledge. To this end, it supports a vibrant community of nearly 300,000 volunteers around the world, who contribute to Wikimedia projects by adding, editing, curating, and verifying content in over 63 million articles across more than 300 languages. The Foundation also engages with policymakers and civil society organizations around the world to promote public policies that protect and enable this mission. Interns with the Foundation’s Global Advocacy team support this critical and dynamic work and are assigned challenging projects based on their particular interests and strengths. These projects range from supporting efforts to create and implement human rights due diligence processes to supporting efforts to engage with policymakers, civil society organizations, and Wikimedia volunteers on a variety of topics. Each intern receives individualized projects that they spearhead under the supervision and guidance of the Foundation’s Global Advocacy team.

Adapt Centre

The ADAPT Centre is a world-leading SFI Research Centre for AI-Driven Digital Content Technology, uniting top academics, researchers, and industry partners to deliver cutting-edge science, public engagement, and innovative business solutions across sectors. Coordinated by Trinity College Dublin and co-hosted by Dublin City University, ADAPT includes partners such as University College Dublin and Technological University Dublin. ADAPT pioneers AI-driven Digital Media Technology, focusing on Human Centric AI, personalisation, natural language processing, data analytics, and setting standards for data governance, privacy, and ethics. Its interdisciplinary approach spans Social Sciences, Communications, Commerce/Fintech, Ethics, Law, Health, Environment, and Sustainability, enhancing Ireland’s global standing and winning over 40 European Research Projects.

International Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP)

The International Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP) is the world’s largest global information privacy community, dedicated to helping professionals advance their careers and manage data protection risks. The IAPP brings together essential resources, tools, and practices needed to thrive in the evolving information economy. Governed by a board of distinguished privacy professionals, the IAPP also recognizes outstanding leadership and innovation through its annual awards. The IAPP Westin Research Center produces practical research in privacy, offering a fellowship program that serves as a pathway for future privacy leaders.

Centre for Media, Communication and Information Research (ZeMKI)

The Centre for Media, Communication and Information Research (ZeMKI) is one of nine central research units at the University of Bremen and is an important European institution for research into questions of media-related transformations at the interface of the cultural, social, and technical sciences. Our research focuses on the emerging digital society in terms of the inequalities it generates while probing the historicity of their genesis and the challenges posed by algorithmic systems, automation, and the burgeoning datafied society. EMILDAI students are hosted by ZeMKI’s Platform Governance, Media, and Technology Lab, which focuses on governance challenges related to of digital platforms and artificial intelligence.

Idec (Instituto de Defesa de Consumidores)

The Instituto de Defesa de Consumidores (Consumer Defense Institute, Idec) is a renowned non-profit consumer association established in 1987 by volunteers to advocate for consumer rights, ethics in consumer relations, and public awareness. Independent of businesses, political parties, or governments, Idec’s achievements are supported by its members and partners. It offers exclusive member communication channels, such as Idec Magazine and Idec Orienta, along with personal assistance. Idec operates under a General Assembly, which includes full members who oversee key decisions, a Board of Directors that sets activity guidelines and appoints leaders, a Fiscal Council that supervises financial matters, and an Advisory Board that ensures the organization’s prestige. No advisors are compensated for their roles.