The EMILDAI partnership is composed of four founding partner universities, which are leading research institutions in the area of law, data and artificial intelligence.
Partner Universities

Dublin City University
Dublin City University is Ireland’s fastest growing university with a world renowned reputation in the field of law and computer science. DCU is a founding member of the SFI-funded ADAPT research centre, specialising in AI technologies.

Avignon Université
Avignon Université (AU) was founded in 1303 by Pope Boniface VIII and is located in the beautiful Provence region in Southern France. AU hosts Agorantic, an interdisciplinary research federation comprising more than ten research units spanning from computer science to digital humanities and focusing on research related to three main themes: Human, Society and Networks.

Universidad de León
Universidad de León has been a pioneer in Spain in the field of law and cybersecurity. Léon also hosts the headquarters of INCIBE, the Spanish national cybersecurity centre, which has been recently nominated by the Spanish Government to become the new European Cybersecurity Centre.

Università di Pisa
UNIPI is home to one of the oldest and most prestigious Italian law schools, founded in 1343. Pisa also hosts the Italian National Research Council’s Institute of Informatics and Telematics, considered to be the cradle of computer science in Italy, being the place where the first Italian computer was connected to the Internet in 1986.